I am pleased to welcome all of you who have visited our website, hoping that we meet your aspirations.
In 2018, Life was founded with the idea of providing the highest quality medical solutions for better life. We provide service with a human touch.
We have earned the trust and respect of our customers for one simple reason is that we have great people whom are experts in their fields.
We have only one objective to ensure our clients mission and objectives are achieved with highest level of capability and assurance at lowest cost.
It’s important that you should always be able to reach us when you need to wherever you are.

Message From CEO

Our Vision

Our Mission

Our Values

To be the premier health care provider company, offering hearing solutions to people everywhere.

As a premier health care provider, we are caring about our customers by providing smart solutions aligned with their aspiration.

Providing our customers up to date technologies, trusted worldwide brands, highest quality and the premium services at MENA area, reflects our appreciation for our customers’ values.

Being the premier health care provider company does not mean being the biggest but it does mean being the best in terms of consumer value, customer service, employee talent and consistent and predictable growth.


Proactivity and adaptation

Enhancement of customer satisfaction

Commitment to Operational Excellence

About LIFE Medical

LIFE medical is a premier health care provider that always keeps an eye to bring the latest high-tech medical products to the market.
With more than 20 years of experience, LIFE mainly invests in medical solutions through partnerships with global leaders and trusted brands in various medical fields.
We are getting closer to our customers through covering the major regions around Egypt where they will find all the required needs on time.
LIFE team is our main asset that is dedicated to provide the ultimate care for our customers.